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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Charissa Skoutelas

Graduate Student in Classical Studies

Beginning Latin Instructor


Charissa is an M.A. student in Classical Studies and an instructor for Latin 1. Charissa received her B.A. in Classics and Mediterranean Studies from the Pennsylvania State University in 2020. Her academic interests span across times and genres of Greek literature, but her current research interests pertain to questions of social and legal status in Classical Greece and the roles of female slaves in the oikos and polis.


Office Hours FALL 2020: M3 / T-R5  

Office: 134 Dauer Hall
Phone: +1 352-392-2075

Department of Classical Studies
University of Florida, PO Box 117435
Gainesville, FL 32611-7435