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The Gainesville Society of the Archaeological Institute of America



Jennifer McAninch

Vice Pres.:

Vivian Lantow


Helena Chen


Ginessa Mahar

See our new Facebook page and wall photos at Archaeological Institute of America Gainesville Society and then tell your Facebook friends.

For information on AIA Lectures, please contact

Upcoming Lecture:

Africans, Europeans, and Finding Castle Cormantine: Archaeology and Cultural Entanglement on the 17th Century Gold Coast

> Dr. Christopher R. De Corse | October 23rd at 6:30pm


Contact the main office of the AIA for membership information

Previous Years’ Lectures:

“The Search for Fort Caroline/Fort San Mateo on the Mocama Social Landscape,”
Robert Thunen, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of North Florida

 International Archaeology Day
“Opening the Florida Museum of Natural History History Exhibit “First Colony: Our Spanish Origins.”
AIA Gainesville will have a display Saturday only, featuring the maritime archaeology program centered at the St. Augustine Lighthouse

“Ritual and Sacrifice in Etruscan Religion,”
Nancy deGrummond, Distinguished Research Professor, Florida State University.
“Excavation of the Storm Wreck: A Loyalist Refugee Vessel Shipwrecked off St Augustine at the End of the Revolutionary War,”
Chuck Meide, Director, Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program
“From Kanchipuram to Kampuchea:  South Indian Cultural Influence in Cambodia,”
Suresh Sethuraman, PhD, Fulbright Academic and Visiting Lecturer, University of Mary Washington. Co-sponsored by CHiTra and ICEC.
 “East Meets West: Ancient Roman Contacts with South Asia.”
Suresh Sethuraman, Ph.D., Fulbright Academic and Lecturing Fellow, University of Mary Washington. Co-sponsored by CHiTra and ICEC.
 “Ceremonial Stone Landscapes of Northeastern North America,”
Laurie Rush, PhD, US Army Archaeologist, Ft. Drum, NY.
 Symposium: Archaeology and War.
“Libya’s Cultural Heritage Under Threat,”
Susan Kane, Professor of Art History, Oberlin College.
“Saving Archaeology in Crisis Areas,”
Laurie Rush, PhD., US Army Archaeologist.
“The Challenge of Safeguarding and Managing Cultural Heritage Sites in the Arab Countries,” Esameddin Alhadi, PhD, UF Department of Languages, Literature and Cultures.

“Spanish Entradas and Indian Roads: Colonial Encounters of the First Kind in the Interior of the US Southeast”
Kathryn Sampeck, PhD, Assistant Professor, Illinois State University
“From Inca to Christian: Tracing Artistic Change in Early Colonial Peru, 1531–1570”
Maya Stanfield-Mazzi, Associate Professor, Department of Art History.
Symposium, “Material Culture in Late Antiquity: Continuity and Change.”
Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (Rothman Endowment).

“The True Location of Huguenot Ft. Caroline: St. Johns River or Altamaha River?”
Robert Thunen, PhD, Anita Spring, PhD, Fletcher Crowe, PhD

“When People Broke Bones: Early Human Technology and Experimental Archaeology”
Kathleen Holen, PhD, Co-Director, Center for American Paleolithic Research, Ft. Collins, Colorado

“Early Humans in the Americas: When Did They Arrive and Where Did They Come From?”
Steven R. Holen, PhD, Co-Director, Center for American Paleolithic Research, Ft. Collins, Colorado

“New Work at Rindoon Castle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland”
Kieran D. O’Conor, PhD, National University of Ireland in Galway

“Authors @ UF: “Tan Men/Pale Women: Color and Gender in Archaic Greece and Egypt”
Associate Professor Mary Ann Eaverly, PhD, University of Florida, Department of Classics

“The Ancient Synagogue and Village at Huqoq, Israel”
Jodi Magness, Kenan Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina

“Sacred Spaces and Human Sacrifice: The Nasca Lines in Their Cultural and Religious Context”
Christina Conlee, Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

“Joara, Cuenca, and Fort San Juan: The Northern Frontier of La Florida” [in the Appalachian Mountains] Christopher B. Rodning, Associate Professor, Tulane University

“Investigation of Don Tristán de Luna y Arellano’s 1559 Colonization Fleet: Past, Present, and Future.”
John Bratten, PhD, Chair and Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of West Florida

“From Dunhuang, China: the Oldest Star Atlas”
Nicolas David, Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

“Empires and Animals: The Wari and Tiwanaku States in Southern Peru”
Susan deFrance, Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, University of Florida

“Gordion as City and Citadel”
Mary M. Voigt, Chancellor Professor of Anthropology, Emerita, College of William and Mary

“Ephesus Terrace House 2”
Sabine Ladstaetter, PD Mag. Dr., Austrian Archaeological Institute

“The Entanglement of Jade and the Rise of Mesoamerica”
Susan D. Gillespie, Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, University of Florida
2012 Patty Jo Watson Distinguished Lecturer, American Anthropological Association

“Preserving Maya Heritage”
Professor Richard Leventhal, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania

“Shell Cities and Other Ancient Wonders of the Northern Florida Gulf Coast”
Professor Ken Sassaman, Department of Anthropology

“Industrial Religion: Workshop Cult in Athens”
Professor Susan Rotroff, Department of Classics, Washington University

“Caves of the Nymphs: The Archaeology of Greek Countryside Cults”
Professor Robert Wagman, Classics Department

Last Days of Pompeii
Professor Mary Ann Eaverly, Department of Classics, University of Florida

Distant Elites: Contacts Between Eastern Lithuania and the Carpathian Basin (ca. 380 to ca. 630 CE)
Professor Florin Curta, Department of History, University of Florida

From the Valley of the Kings to Philae: Ancient and Modern Pilgrimages
Eugene Cruz-Uribe, Professor Emeritus of History, Northern Arizona University

A Collaborative Experiment with Heritage Tourism in a Tanzanian village Transformed by HIV/AIDS
Peter Schmidt, Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida

The Archaeology of Archaic Cretan Houses
Margaret Mook, Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Iowa State University