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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Spring 2012 News Archive


Congratulations to Dr. Robert Brewer and Dr. Cathie Dunar who received their PhD degrees this spring.

Congratulations to Brother Randall Meissen and David Hogue in the Distance Learning Program, who have successfully completed all requirements for the Master’s of Latin program and are graduating at the end of the semester.

Congratulations to Annemarie Sykes for receiving a Division Three 2012 Superior Accomplishment Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Mary Ann Eaverly, recipient of a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Award for 2011-2012!

Always enthusiastic, dedicated, and passionate about teaching, Dr. Eaverly brings out the best of all of us in Classics, as mentor, role model, and colleague. We wish her continued success in all her endeavors.

Spring 2012 Events

Thursday, April 26, 3:00 pm: Keene Faculty Center
Classics Awards Ceremony

Monday, April 16, 3.30-5.00 pm: Keene Faculty Center
Retirement Party for Annemarie Sykes

Thursday, April 5, 7:30 PM: Smathers Library 1A
Gregory Crane, Tufts University and Editor in Chief of the Perseus Project
“To Advance the Common Understanding: Reinventing the Humanities in a Digital Age”
Co-Sponsored with the Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere and the UF Office of Research
Part of the series: Rehumanizing the University: New Perspectives on the Liberal Arts

March 29, 2012, 5:30 PM in the Keene Faculty Center
Polopolus Lecture
The Metropolitan Nikitas Lulias
“Developments in Orthodoxy and Hellenism in Southeast Asia”

March 22, 2012, 3:00 PM at South Entrance of Dauer Hall
Remembering Bridget Phillips

March 14, 2012, 7:00 PM at Oak Hammock
Robert Wagman, Associate Professor of Classics, University of Florida
“Caves of the Nymphs: The Archaeology of Greek Countryside Cults”

Wednesday February 29, 6:00 PM: Chandler Auditorium, Harn Museum
Jenifer Neils, Case Western Reserve University
“The Parthenon Sculptures and Periklean Politics”
Sponsored by the Harn Eminent Scholar Chair in Art History

Thursday, February 16, 3:00 PM: Smathers Library 1A
Andrew Cain, University of Colorado
“The Use and Abuse of Terence in Late Antiquity”
Co-Sponsored with the History Department

Friday, February 10, 3:00 PM: Pugh 120
Rothman Lecture
Gareth Williams, Violin Family Professor of Classics at Columbia University
“Seneca on World Tour: Natural Philosophy, Mind Travel, and Rome in the Rear-View Mirror”

Wednesday, February 1, 7:00 PM:
Prof. Susan I. Rotroff, Washington University
“Industrial Religion: Workshop Cult in Ancient Athens”
Oak Hammock at the University of Florida
Commons Building, Williston Road and SW 25th Terrace

Saturday, January 21:
UF/FSU Graduate Student Colloquium in Tallahassee

Classics Workshops

The Department of Classics is pleased to announce the inauguration of the “Classics Workshops,” a series of in-house lectures and discussions presented by members of our department. Designed to facilitate feedback from colleagues, these workshops are opportunities for students and faculty alike to present chapters in progress, practice conference papers, and try out new ideas. Doctoral candidates are especially encouraged to use the workshops as self-imposed deadlines for completing chapters.

The workshops are free and open to the public. We extend a special invitation to our colleagues in the humanities, so as to bring our work to a wider audience and simultaneously benefit from the wide variety of perspectives available to us here at UF.

Workshops are held in 115 Dauer Hall. Feel free to bring a brown-bag lunch.

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