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Spring 2013 News Archive


“What Diplomacy Owes to Greek Classical Studies”
Ambassador Dimitrios Tsikouris
Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 5:00 pm: Keene Faculty Center
The Polopoulos Lecture Series Presented by the Center for Greek Studies
Free and Open to the Public

“Gordion as City and Citadel”
Mary M. Voigt, Chancellor Professor of Anthropology, Emerita, College of William and Mary
Wednesday, January 30, 2013, at 7:30 pm
Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Williston Rd and SW 25th Terrace
Presented by the Gainesville Society of the Archaeological Institute of America

“Ovid and Violence in Text and Art”
Dr. Carole E. Newlands, Professor of Classics, University of Colorado
Thursday February 7, 5:00 PM: Smathers Library 1A
Part of the 2012-13 Rothman Distinguished Lectures in Classics Series
Presented by the Department of Classics and sponsored in part by the George A. Smathers Libraries
Free and Open to the Public

Disciples of Flora: Gardens in History and Culture

A Conference
February 21-22, 2013

This interdisciplinary conference will explore the place and vitality of gardens as cultural objects and repositories of meaning. Diverse writers and artists have used the subject matter of gardens, landscape, and plants to educate their audience, to enter into political and cultural debates, particularly around issues of gender and class, and to signal moments of intellectual and spiritual insight.

Events will include panels, a book exhibit, a garden tour of the UF campus, and a guided tour of the Asian gardens at the Harn Museum. Elizabeth K. Helsinger, the John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor of English, Art History, and Visual Arts at the University of Chicago, will deliver the keynote address. Other participants include Verena Conley (Harvard), Lisa Moore (University of Texas), Elise Smith (Millsaps College), and Katharine von Stackelberg (Brock University, Canada), as well as several speakers from UF.
Organized by Judith W. Page (, Director of CWSGR; Victoria Pagan (, Chair of Classics; and Brigitte Weltman-Aron (, Languages Literatures and Cultures. This conference is sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Office of Research, the Harn Eminent Scholars Chair in Art History, the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, the Department of Classics, Rothman Distinguished Lecture Series, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and the Department of English.

Free and open to the Public.

“Ephesus Terrace House 2”
Sabine Ladstaetter, PD Mag. Dr., Austrian Archaeological Institute
Wednesday, March 27, 2013, at 7:30 pm
Oak Hammock at the University of Florida, Williston Rd and SW 25th Terrace
Presented by the Gainesville Society of the Archaeological Institute of America

“Parcere subiectis: Roman Imperialism, Jewish Apocalypticism, and Universal Justice in the First Century CE”
Dr. Megan Williams, Associate Professor, Department of History, San Francisco State University
Tuesday April 2, 2013, 7:30 pm in the Keene Faculty Center

Presented by the Department of History and co-sponsored by the Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere

On Monday April 8, 3.00 pm in Dauer 115, we will have a workshop: Andrew Roth, “The Infernal Landscape of Thebes in Statius’ Thebaid.”

On Monday April 15, 3.00 pm in Dauer Hall, the final workshop: Andrew Clark, pater omnipotens: the Excessive and All-powerful Force of Jupiter in Statius’ Thebaid

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