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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Cassas Seminar in Greek Law and Society, Fall 2023

We are thrilled to host the third Cassas Seminar Series in Greek Law and Society, featuring distinguished academics in the field. The series is generously sponsored by the Center for Greek Studies and the International Society for the History of Rhetoric.

Day and time:

Fridays at 12 noon ET via Zoom


Please click here to register or scan the QR Code.

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20th October

Dimos Spatharas (University of Crete), ‘Emotions and the law in the courts of classical Athens’

27th October

Brenda Griffith-Williams (University College London), ‘Theopompus (speaker of Isaeus 11): fraudulent guardian or victim of a malicious prosecution?’

3rd November

Peter O’Connell (University of Georgia), ‘From Stone to Speech: Financial Lists in Attic Oratory and Inscriptions’

17th November

Christos Kremmydas (Royal Holloway, University of London), ‘“Ethical” narratives in Attic forensic oratory’


Generously sponsored by

Center for Greek Studies, International Society for the History of Rhetoric


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