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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.


The University of Florida Classics Graduate Student Symposium is an annual meeting of graduate students organized and hosted by the graduate students of the Classics Department of the University of Florida. Every year, under the supervision of Dr. Eleni Bozia, and with the generous support of the Rothman Endowment of the Classics Department and the Center for Greek Studies, we pose questions and invite consideration of topics that push the boundaries of our field in an attempt to interpret antiquity, modernity, and their intersection. Since October 2017, we have been welcoming graduate students from the United States and Europe whose research is invested in different fields in the humanities and engaging with them in constructive discussions that illuminate the Greco-Roman world as well as current social, political, and cultural issues.

1st Annual Conference – Translation, Adaptation, and Interpretation
2nd Annual Conference – Natura/Physis vs. Ars/Techne: Artificial vs. Natural in the Ancient World and Beyond
3rd Annual Conference – Justice Turns the Balance Scale
4th Annual Conference – Myths and Societies: A Cross-Cultural and Intertemporal Approach
5th Annual Conference – At the Margins: New Perspectives on the Ancient Mediterranean