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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Phi Beta Kappa inductees 2021

Congratulations to Classical Studies majors Toni Shae Ferguson and Maria Laura Montero, who have been elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Election to Phi Beta Kappa  is one of the highest academic honors that a student can receive.

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest (est. 1776) academic honor society in America. Only one in ten institutions (colleges and universities) in the U.S. have earned chapter charters. (UF’s, founded in 1938, is one of only seven in the state.) At those schools, no more than one in ten of the undergraduate students within their college of Arts & Sciences can be elected to Phi Beta Kappa. 

We are very prod of Toni Shae and Maria Laura for this wonderful achievement!