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Congratulations to CAMWS Presenters!

Congratulations to all of the members of our department who presented papers at CAMWS in St. Louis this last week, April 4-7: among faculty, Andy Wolpert and Victoria Pagán; among graduate students, Eleni Papadopoulou, Anthony Smith, and Bryan Carlson; and our undergraduate Srija Dey. Eleni, Anthony, and Jamie Morris-Kliment received CAMWS travel awards, and Bryan received a department travel award. Srija won a Presidential Award for her poster presentation as well as a travel award. Alumni on the program included Anastasia Pantazopoulou, Jonathan Zarecki, Kariola Mustapha, Kathleen Burt, and Charissa Skoutelas. Results of the election were announced at the business meeting: Victoria Pagán is president-elect, and will preside at the meeting in Mobile, AL, March 11-14, 2026. Go Gators!