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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

How Can Antigone and Athena Empower Young Girls?

Anastasia Pantazopoulou, PhD ‘22 and Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics at Carleton College (MN), and Anthony Smith, current PhD candidate, recently had their blog post “How Can Antigone and Athena Empower Young Girls?” published on the ACE & Creativity Blog through the University of Liverpool. In the story, they discuss their experience with the program “Empowering Girls: Reimagining Female Stories of the Past and Present,” designed and conducted in 2020 with funding from the UF Department of Classics, the UF Center for Greek Studies, and the UF Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere. In addition, they have published the curriculum from the program as an open-access resource.