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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Konstantinos Kapparis

Contact Information

Email: kapparis
Office: 135 Dauer Hall
  • Professor of Classics UF Foundation Research Professor
  • Director of the Center for Greek Studies
  • Kostas Kapparis CV

Konstantinos (Kostas) Kapparis is Professor of Classics. He studied with the prominent Hellenist and researcher of Athenian Law D.M. MacDowell at the University of Glasgow. His research interests include the Attic Orators, Athenian Law, Greek and Roman Medical Authors, Women’s History and Gender Studies, and the Social History of the Graeco-Roman World. He has published several volumes including Women in the Law-Courts of Classical Athens (EUP 2021), Athenian Law and Society (Routledge 2020), Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World (De Gruyter 2018), Legal Speeches of Democratic Athens (Hackett 2011, with A. Wolpert), Abortion in the Ancient World(Duckworth 2002), Apollodoros Against Neaira, Edition and large-scale commentary (De Gruyter, 1999), and also an expanded Modern Greek commentary of the same speech (Ekdoseis Stigme, 2008), and he has co-edited a collection of the articles of D.M. MacDowell (Studies on Greek Law, Oratory and Comedy, Routledge 2018). He has also published a number of articles on topics such as prostitution, citizenship and immigration, gender studies, authenticity and authorship, the history of medicine and science, and textual criticism. Kostas has participated as chair or member in more than 50 graduate committees, and also as an external examiner in other Universities. He is very proud of the accomplishments of current and former students in the Classics graduate program, which include several published books, and has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Distance Learning Program of the Department of Classics since its inception two decades ago. Kostas is an enthusiastic advocate of the outreach work of the Department of Classics and the Center for Greek Studies and is always eager to cultivate ties with schools and the Greek-American communities of Florida.