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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Graduate Course Catalogue

Civilization Courses in Translation

CLA 6125 The Augustan Age (3) in-depth investigation of history, political organization, literature, and society of Augustan Rome.

CLA 6795 Introduction to Greek and Roman Archaeology (3) grounding in monuments of ancient Greece and Rome, and history and methodology of classical archaeology.

CLA 6805 Classical Research Tradition (3) Research methods in the Classics.

CLA 6895 Athenian Law and Society (3) A comprehensive assessment of the structures of classical Athens, encompassing a detailed study of Athenian law, constitution, finance, society, daily life, gender relations, religion, and culture. In addition, one of the primary purposes of the course is to link aspects of Athenian life with the modern debate on political, constitutional and social issues.

Classical Greek Language and Literature

GRE 6425 Greek Prose Composition (3) construction of advanced sentences and complex prose in classical Greek.

GRE 6755 Epigraphy (3; max: 6) Prerequisite: reading knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin at advanced level; basic reading knowledge of French and German. Reading and interpretation of selected inscriptions in Greek and/or Latin.

GRW 6105 Greek Tradition (3) Synoptic survey of Greek literature.

GRW 6216 Greek Novel (3; max: 6) Selections from ancient Greek novels.

GRW 6316 Greek Drama (3; max: 9) Prerequisite: reading knowledge of ancient Greek at advanced level. Readings and analysis of Greek tragendians (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides).

GRW 6317 Ancient Greek Comedy (3) Reading and study of ancient Greek comedy, with selected plays by Aristophanes and/or Menander.

GRW 6345 Greek Lyric Poetry (3; max: 6) Variety and peculiarities of lyric content, style, grammar, structure, dialect, and meter shown through selected poems.

GRW 6346 Pindar (3; max: 6) Selected poems.

GRW 6347 Homer (3; max: 6) Readings from Iliad and Odyssey.

GRW 6348 Non-Homeric Greek Epic (3) Introduction ot the Greek epic dialect, Hesiodic and other non-Homeric poetry in the context of the political and social world of the Mediterranean region in the first millenium BCE.

GRW 6386 Greek Historians (3; max: 6) Prerequisite: reading knowledge of ancient Greek at advanced level. Analysis of Herodotus, Thucydides, or other major Greek historians.

GRW 6506 Plato (3) Readings, e.g., of Symposium and/or selected books of the Republic.

GRW 6507 Attic Orators (3) Study of Attic oratory with particular attention to rhetorical methods of persuasion, the social dynamics of the disputing process, and the political, social, and cultural impact of law on the Athenian democracy.

GRW 6905 Individual Work (2-4; max: 10) Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Readings and reports in Greek language and literature.

GRW 6930 Special Topics in Greek Literature (3; max: 6) Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Intensive study of particular author, genre, period, or subject.

GRW 6931 Comparative Study of Greek and Latin Literature (3) Study of genre types.

Classical Latin Language and Literature

LAT 6425 Latin Prose Composition (3) Translating English into Latin and imitation of various Latin prose styles.

LNW 5325 Roman Elegiac Poetry (3) Readings in Latin from one or all of the following: Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, or other Latin elegiac poetry.

LNW 5655 Roman Poets: Horace (3; max: 6) Horace’s poetry and metrics.

LNW 5665 Roman Poets: Vergil (3; max: 6) The poetic art of Vergil and its literary, historical, and political background.

LNW 5675 Roman Poets: Ovid (3; max: 6) Ovid’s poetic art against its literary, historical, and political background.

LNW 5676 Roman Poets: The Silver Age (3; max: 6) Prerequisite: reading knowledge of ancient Greek at advanced level. Readings from major poets of period, including Lucan, Satius, and others.

LNW 6105 Roman Tradition (3) synoptic survey of Roman literature.

LNW 6225 The Ancient Roman Novel (3; max: 6) Readings from Petronius and/or Apuleius.

LNW 6335 Roman Oratory and Rhetoric (3; max: 6) Theory and practice of Roman oratory and rhetoric through Latin readings in Cicero, Seneca, and Quintilian, and other sources.

LNW 6365 Studies in Roman Satire (3; max: 6) Readings from Horace, Persius, Petronius, Juvenal, Martial.

LNW 6385 Roman Historians (3; max: 9) Readings from major historians: Sallust, Caesar, Livy, Tacitus, Suetonius, and others.

LNW 6495 Late Latin Literature (3) Readings from one or more of the following: Vulgate, Christian Church Fathers, Historia Apollonii, Peregrinatio Aetheriae, Harrington’s Medieval Latin.

LNW 6905 Individual Work (2-4; max: 10) Readings and reports in language and literature.

LNW 6933 Special Topics in Latin Literature (3; max: 6) Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Intensive study of particular author, genre, period, or subject.

LNW 6935 Proseminar in Classics (3) Introduction to the study of classical literature, history of scholarship, bibliographies, areas of the discipline.