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Deiss Award for Classics majors to study abroad in Rome > Deadline is April 1, 2025.

M.A. Degrees

The Department of Classics at the University of Florida offers two Masters Degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Latin and Master of Latin (M.L.) in Latin.


Students awarded a TA position receive a stipend plus a full tuition waiver. Students are expected to become Florida residents after one year.

Degree Plans

Master of Arts in Latin is a thesis degree designed for students who are aiming toward a career in secondary teaching, but who still desire the writing experience and credential that a thesis provides. Coursework in ancient Greek can also prepare the recipient for doctoral study.

Master of Latin degree is a non-thesis degree designed for students who are aiming toward a career in secondary teaching to widen their knowledge of Latin, broaden their education in the field of Classics, and enhance their professional qualifications.

Degree Requirements

1. Master of Arts in Latin (thesis)

  • Coursework 30 credits, including at least 9 hours at the seminar level [5000/6000]
  • Proseminar [3 credits]; Latin Prose Composition [3 credits]
  • Thesis Research [6 credits]
  • Reading List in Latin
  • Comprehensive Reading Examination in Latin
  • Thesis and Oral Defense

2. Master of Latin (non-thesis)

  • Coursework 30 credits, including at least 9 hours at the seminar level [5000/6000]
  • Proseminar [3 credits]; Latin Prose Composition [3 credits]; Supervised Teaching [3 hours]
  • Comprehensive Reading Exam in Latin
  • Comprehensive Written and Oral Exam on Latin Literature and Culture

Modern Language Requirements

Students pursuing a master’s degree, especially if planning to continue their studies at the doctoral level, should take at least one year in a modern language, typically French or German. If they already possess a reading ability in French or German, they are encouraged to study the other language. Students who choose the non-thesis option, in particular those who wish to teach in secondary schools, may also find it useful to have an additional language in their educational background.

Distance Learning Program

Please visit the Distance Learning Homepage for further details on our Distance Learning Programs, especially aimed at elementary, secondary, or community college teachers. Contact the Distance Learning Director Dr. Velvet Yates (