Course Number: CLA 2151. General Education Requirement: H. Section: 058E. Credits: 03. Room: TUR L007. Times: T7, R7-8. CLA 2151 is a course offered in the Department of Classics at University of Florida. Department contact: Ms.Tina Williams.
Course Description
An examination of classical antiquity, applying methods and theories of sustainability to explore the impact of the ancient Greeks and Romans on their environment and focusing on the distribution of wealth, social stratification, land use and classical representations of the natural world.
Textbooks and Other Study Aids
L. Thommen, An Environmental History of Ancient Greece and Rome (CUP: Cambridge 2012.)
Course Requirements and Grading
Exam I: 40%.
Exam II: 40%.
Quizzes: 20%.
100-90: A. 89-85: B+. 84-80: B. 79-75: C+. 74-70: C. 69-65: D+. 64-60: D.
N.B. Quizzes and exams are cumulative.
Attendance and General Course Policy
Students are urged to attend class regularly in order to familiarize with the visual material discussed at each lecture. Failure to do so may result in the unability to identify a site or an object included in a test or exam. Also note that lecture materials may vary or even diverge occasionally from materials covered in the textbook.
Students unable to attend regularly should not take the course.
Class Etiquette
Students are strongly discouraged from leaving the class in the middle of a lecture. Those who need to do so must obtain the instructor’s permission at the beginning of class.
Makeup Examinations
Makeup exams are given only in extraordinary circumstances. Students who are unable to take exams at the appointed dates should notify the instructor’s assistants in advance.
All questions on administrative matters (grading, etc.) can be addressed to the instructor’s assistant; for questions pertaining to the content of the lectures, students should consult directly with the instructor
Honor Code
Students in CLA 2151 are expected to comply with the Academic Honor Code of the University of Florida.
ADA Requirements
For information about services available to students with special needs, contact the Disability Resource Center.
Disclaimer on Sexual and Religious Content
As ancient attitudes towards sexuality and religion differ considerably from ours, some of the material examined in this course may result offensive to modern sensibility. Students who have a problem in dealing with such topics should consult with the instructor.
Robert S. Wagman. Office Hours: R9 or by appt. Campus address: 125 Dauer Hall.
Teaching Assistant
Calendar of Assignments [under construction]
01 |
02 |
AUG 27 | Chronology and dating (classnotes) |
03 |
AUG 29 | Geography of SE Mediterranean (classnotes) |
04 |
SEP 03 | Egypt (classnotes) |
05 |
SEP 05 | Egypt (classnotes) |
06 |
SEP 10 | Egypt (classnotes) |
07 |
SEP 12 | Review session |
08 |
SEP 17 | Quiz 1 |
09 |
SEP 19 | Greece: The geographic space (Thommen ch.1) |
10 |
SEP 23 | Greece: People and nature (Thommen ch.2) |
11 |
SEP 26 | Greece: People and nature (Thommen ch.2) |
12 |
OCT 01 | Quiz 2 |
13 |
OCT 03 | Greece: Agriculture (Thommen ch.3) |
14 |
OCT 08 | Greece: Forests and timber (Thommen ch.4) |
15 |
OCT 10 | Greece: Forests and timber (Thommen ch.4) |
16 |
OCT 15 | Greece: Gardens. Animals. Food (Thommen chs.5-7) |
17 |
OCT 17 | Exam I, same time and room as class |
18 |
OCT 22 | |
19 |
OCT 24 | Greece: Fire and water (Thommen ch.8) |
20 |
OCT 29 | Greece: Earthquakes and volcanoes. Mining (Thommen chs.9-10) |
21 |
OCT 31 | Rome: The geographic space. People and nature (Thommen chs.11-12) |
22 |
NOV 05 | Quiz 3 |
23 |
NOV 07 | Rome: Agriculture (Thommen ch.13) |
24 |
NOV 12 | Rome: Forests and timber. Gardens (Thommen chs.14-15) |
25 |
NOV 14 | Rome: Animals. Food (Thommen chs.16-17) |
26 |
NOV 19 | Rome: Animals. Food (Thommen chs.16-17) |
27 |
NOV 21 | Rome: Fire and water (Thommen ch.18) |
28 |
NOV 26 | Quiz 4 |
— |
29 |
DEC 03 | Rome: Rome: Earthquakes and volcanoes. Mining (Thommen chs.19-20) |
— |
DEC 11 | Exam II: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, same room as class. |