Fall 2024
Quest 1
The Examined Life
IDS 2935: Magic and the Supernatural From Greece and Rome to the Present (Rea)
IDS 2935: Mathematics and the Humanities (Christodoulopoulou – Kostopoulos)
CLA 1011: Democracy in Theory and Action (Giannadaki)
CLA 2100: (1EB) The glory that was Greece (Bozia)
CLA 3160: Ancient Egypt (Wagman)
CLT 3291: (25607) Greek Drama (Bozia)
CLA 3433: Athenian Democracy (Giannadaki)
CLA 3434: Classical Greece (Andrew)
CLT 3370: Myths of the Greeks and Romans (Iff-Noël)
CLA 3930: Crime in Ancient Athens (Wolpert)
Classics Capstone (Nichols)
GRE 1120: Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Nichols)
GRK 1130: Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2200 Intermediate Modern Greek 1 (Wagman)
GRW 6105 (28178): The Greek Tradition History and Historiography (Nichols)
GRW 6105 (12941 – person): The Greek Tradition History and Historiography (Nichols)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Kraut)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Papadopoulou)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Orcés)
LAT 6425: Latin Prose Composition (Yates)
LNW 3220: Vergil and Roman Epic (Nichols)
LNW 6933: Catullus’s Poems (Iff-Noël)
Spring 2024
Quest 1
Nature and Culture
IDS 2935: Gardens to Read and Visit (Pagán)
CLA 1011: Democracy in Theory and Action (Giannadaki)
CLA 2521: Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
CLA 3111: Topography and Monuments of Athens (Eaverly)
CLA 3114: Greece Yesterday and Today (Kostopoulos)
CLA 3151: Pompeii: Archaeological Laboratory (Eaverly)
CLT 3370: Myths of the Greeks and Romans (Iff-Noel)
CLT 3371: Religions of the Greco Roman World (Kostopoulos)
CLT 3510: The Ancient World in Film (Rea)
Classics Capstone (Nichols)
GRE 1121: Beginning Ancient Greek I (Nichols)
GRK 1131: Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2201: Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Wagman)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Papadopoulou)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Orcés)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Solis)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Iff-Noel)
LNW 3220: Apuleius Metamorphoses (Nichols)
LNW 6225: Ancient Roman Novel: Petronius (Yates)
LNW 6385: Suetonius (Nichols)
Fall 2023
Quest 1
Nature and Culture
CLA 1812: Medicine, Science, and the Dawn of Reason (Kapparis)
IDS 2935: European Experience: A Humanities Perspective (Kostopoulos)
The Examined Life
IDS 2935: Mathematics and the Humanities (Kostopoulos)
CLT 3291: Greek Drama (Bozia)
CLT 3370: Classical Mythology (Nichols)
CLT 3930: Conspiracy Theory Ancient and Modern (Pagán)
CLA 3160: Ancient Egypt (Wagman)
CLA 3700: Classical Archaeology (Eaverly)
CLA 6795: Age of Augustus (Eaverly)
CLA 6895: Athenian law and society (Giannadaki)
Classics Capstone (Nichols)
GRE 1120: Beginning Ancient Greek I (Nichols)
GRE 1130: Beginning Modern Greek I (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2200: Intermediate Modern Greek 1 (Wagman)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Orcés)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Smith)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Solis)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Rea)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Bozia)
LNW 3644: Cicero (Pagán)
LNW 6365: Roman Satire: Juvenal (Yates)
Spring 2023
CLT 3291: Greek Drama (Pagán)
CLT 3370: Myths of Greeks and Romans (Giannadaki)
CLT 3510: The Ancient World in Film (Nichols)
CLA 3930: Crime in Ancient Athens (Wolpert)
CLA 3111: Topography and Monuments of Athens (Eaverly)
CLA 3811: AI in Antiquity and Today (Iff-Noel)
CLA 3930/EUS 3031: Athens Through History (Kostopoulos)
CLA 6930: Ancient Sculpture Methods (Yates)
Classics Capstone (Nichols)
GRE 1121: Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Yates)
GRK 1131: Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2201: Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Wagman)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Smith)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Mustapha)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Solis)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Orcés)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Iff-Noël)
LNW 33660: Vergil Aeneid (Nichols)
The Roman Tradition (Kapparis)
LNW 6935: Proseminar in Classics (Rea)
Quest 1 (Classics)
IDS 2935: Gardens to Read and Visit (Pagán)
IDS 2935: Magic and the Supernatural (Kapparis)
Fall 2022
CLA 2521: Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
IDS 2935: European Experience (Kostopoulos)
CLA 3114/EUS 3930: Greece Yesterday and Today (Kostopoulos)
CLT 3123: Survey of Roman Literature in Translation (Iff-Noël)
CLA 3151: Pompeii: Archaeological Laboratory (Eaverly)
CLT 3370: Classical Mythology (Nichols)
CLT 3930: Conspiracy Theory Ancient and Modern (Pagán)
CLA 6795: Roman Archaeology: Pompeii (Eaverly)
GRE 1120: Beginning Ancient Greek I (Yates)
GRK 1130: Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2200: Intermediate Modern Greek 1 (Wagman)
GRW 6317: Aristophanes (Nichols)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Mustapha)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Solis)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Orcés)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Pagán)
LNW 2321: Introduction to Vergil (Rea)
LNW 3320: Roman Elegy and Lyric (Iff-Noël)
LAT 6425: Latin Prose Composition (Yates)
LNW 6315: Roman Comedy (Kapparis)
Spring 2022
CLA 3811: AI in Antiquity and Today (Iff-Noël & Rea)
CLA 3930/EUS 3036: The Balkans: History, Culture, Politics (Kostopoulos)
CLA 6805 Classical Traditions: Roman Stoicism (Yates)
CLT 3291: Greek Drama in Translation (Pagán)
CLT 3371: Religions of Greco-Roman World (Kostopoulos)
CLT 3510: The Ancient World in Film (Nichols)
LNW 3360: Roman Satire (Bozia)
Capstone (Nichols)
GRE 1121: Beginning Ancient Greek II (Yates)
GRK1130: Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Giannadaki)
GRK 1131: Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2201: Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Chatzopoulou)
GRW3102: Survey of Greek Literature (Giannadaki)
GRW 6105: The Greek Tradition: History and Historiography (Nichols)
LAT1101: Beginning Latin 2 (De Simoni)
LAT 1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Orcés)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Smith)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Skoutelas)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Mustapha)
LNW 6933: Special Topics in Latin Literature – Roman Elegy (Iff-Noël)
Fall 2021
CLA 3114/EUS 3930: Greece Yesterday and Today (Kostopoulos)
CLA3433: Athenian Democracy (Giannadaki)
CLA 6805 Roman Religion (Yates)
CLT 3123: Survey of Roman Literature in Translation (Iff-Noël)
CLT 3370: Classical Mythology (Nichols)
CLT 3930: Conspiracy Theory Ancient and Modern (Pagán)
CLT 3510: Ancient World in Film (Kapparis)
IDS 2935: European Experience (Kostopoulos)
IDS 2935: Identity of the Self from Classical Antiquity to the Digital Era (Bozia)
UF Quest 1/Nature and Culture (Kapparis)
Classics Capstone (Nichols)
GRE 1120 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Yates)
GRE 1121: Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Wolpert)
GRK 1130: Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2200: Intermediate Greek (Kostopoulos)
GRW 4930: Studies in Greek Literature (Bozia)
GRW 6435: Greek Prose Composition (Kapparis)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Mustapha)
LAT 1120: Beginning Latin 1 (Skoutelas)
LAT1101: Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1121: Beginning Latin 2 (Orces)
LAT 1104: Beginning Latin 3 (Pagán)
LNW 2321: Introduction to Vergil (Rea)
LNW 3320: Roman Elegy and Lyric (Iff-Noël)
LNW 6385: Livy (Nichols)
Spring 2021
CLA 2100 class number 11399 The Glory That Was Greece (Bozia)
CLA 2100 class number 26284 The Glory That Was Greece (Bozia)
CLA 2521 class number 11400 Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
CLA 2521 class number 26291 Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
CLA 3151 class number 24990 Pompeii: An Archaeological Laboratory
CLA 3151 class number 26300 Pompeii: An Archaeological Laboratory (Eaverly)
CLA 3700 class number 31539 Classical Archaeology (Nichols)
CLA 3700 class number 31540 Classical Archaeology (Nichols)
CLA 3930 class number 30557 Special Topics in Classical Civilization:The Greek Roots of Europe (Kostopoulos)
CLA 3930 class number 30558 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: The Greek Roots of Europe (Kostopoulos)
CLA 4931 class number [contact dept.] Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
CLT 3123 class number 24992 Survey of Roman Literature (Iff-Noël)
CLT 3123 class number 26324 Survey of Roman Literature (Iff-Noël)
CLA 3291 class number 21678 Greek Drama (Pagán)
CLA 3291 class number 26328 Greek Drama (Pagán)
CLA 3371 class number 25078 Religions of the Graeco-Roman World (Kostopoulos)
GRE 1120 class number 13826 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Wolpert)
GRE 1120 class number 26365 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Wolpert)
GRE 1121 class number 13852 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Yates)
GRE 1121 class number 26366 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Yates)
GRK 1130 class number 21828 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Giannadaki)
GRK 1130 class number 26369 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Giannadaki)
GRK 1131 class number 13853 Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 1131 class number 26371 Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2201 class number 13854 Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Wagman)
GRK 2201 class number 13854 Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Wagman)
GRW 3102 class number 24994 Survey of Greek Literature 2 (Nichols)
GRW 3102 class number 26377 Survey of Greek Literature 2 (Nichols)
GRW 4930 class number [contact dept.] Studies in Greek Literature (Staff)
GRW 6705 class number 24959 Greek Orators (Giannadaki)
LAT 1101 class number 15335 Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1101 class number 26383 Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1101 class number 15336 Beginning Latin 2 (Pantazopoulou)
LAT 1101 class number 26387 Beginning Latin 2 (Pantazopoulou)
LAT 1104 class number 15337 Beginning Latin 3 (De Simoni)
LAT 1104 class number 26389 Beginning Latin 3 (De Simoni)
LAT 1120 class number 15338 Beginning Latin 1 (Orces)
LAT 1120 class number 26391 Beginning Latin 1 (Orces)
LAT 1120 class number 15364 Beginning Latin 1 (Skoutelas)
LAT 1120 class number 26392 Beginning Latin 1 (Skoutelas)
LNW 3360 class number 25018 Roman Satire (Rea)
LNW 3360 class number 26393 Roman Satire (Rea)
LNW 3930 class number 24991 Studies in Roman Literature (Iff-Noël)
LNW 3930 class number 31846 Studies in Roman Literature (Iff-Noël)
LNW 4905 class number [contact dept.] Special Study in Latin (Staff)
LNW 6933 class number 14748 Special Topics in Latin Literature: Lucretius (Yates)
LNW 6933 class number [contact dept.] Special Topics in Latin Literature: Lucretius (Yates)
Fall 2020
CLA 3160 class number 10990 Ancient Egypt (Wagman)
CLA 3504 class number 23219 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity (Kapparis)
CLA 3930 class number 10991 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Rome the Eternal City (Rea)
CLA 3930 class number 24353 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: The Greek Experience (Kostopoulos)
CLA 4931 class number [contact dept.] Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
CLT 3123 class number 23218 Survey of Roman Literature (Iff-Noël)
CLT 3370 class number 12657 Myths of the Greeks and Romans (Nichols)
CLT 3370 class number 26207 Myths of the Greeks and Romans Honors (Eaverly)
CLT 3930 class number 22725 Special Topics in Classical Literature: Conspiracy (Pagán)
IDS 2935 class number 15431 Medicine Science and the Dawn of Reason (Kapparis)
IDS 2935 class number 15430 Identity of the Self from Classical Antiquity to the Digital Era (Bozia)
IDS 2935 class number 22927 European Experience: A Humanities Perspective (Kostopoulos)
GRE 1120 class number 14018 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Yates)
GRE 1121 class number 14019 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Wolpert)
GRK 1130 class number 14020 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2200 class number 21229 Intermediate Modern Greek 1 (Wagman)
GRW 3301 class number 23246 Greek Drama (Nichols)
GRW 4700 class number 23231 Greek Orators (Giannadaki)
GRW 6316 class number 23247 Greek Tragedy (Nichols)
LAT 1101 class number 15129 Beginning Latin 2 (De Simoni)
LAT 1101 class number 15130 Beginning Latin 2 (Pantazopoulou)
LAT 1104 class number 15131 Beginning Latin 3 (Pagán)
LAT 1120 class number 15132 Beginning Latin 1 (Skoutelas)
LAT 1120 class number 15133 Beginning Latin 1 (Orcés)
LNW 2321 class number 26632 Introduction to Vergil (Rea)
LNW 3320 class number 26792 Roman Elegy and Lyric (Iff-Noël)
LAT 6425 class number 23223 Latin Prose Composition (Yates)
LNW 6335 class number 23221 Roman Oratory and Rhetoric: Quintilian (Kapparis)
Spring 2020
CLA 2100 class number 11395 The Glory That Was Greece (Bozia)
CLA 2521 class number 11396 Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
CLA 3111 class number 24742 Athens in Topography and Monuments (Eaverly)
CLA 3433 class number 232239 The Athenian Democracy (Giannadaki)
CLA 3930 class number 11425 Special Topics: The Balkans (Kostopoulos)
CLA 3930 class number 11426 Special Topics: Athens Through History (Kostopoulos)
CLA 3930 class number 24937 Special Topics: Plato on Eros (Rotschild)
CLA 4931 class number [contact dept.] Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
CLT 3291 class number 23045 Greek Drama (Pagán)
CLT 3510 class number 23070 Ancient World in Film (Nichols)
CLT 3930 class number 24673 Special Topics: It’s Alive! Pygmalion, Living Statues and Ancient Robots (Iff-Noël)
CLA 6930 class number [contact dept.] Greece and the Near East: Women in Antiquity [ONLINE](Yates)
CLA 6930 class number 11429 Greece and the Near East: Women in Antiquity [ONLINE] (Yates)
GRE 1120 class number 14141 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Wolpert)
GRE 1121 class number 14167 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Yates)
GRK 1130 class number 23240 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Giannadaki)
GRK 1131 class number 14168 Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2201 class number 14169 Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Wagman)
GRW 4930 class number 23064 Studies in Greek Literature (Nichols)
LAT 1101 class number 15838 Beginning Latin 2 (Smith)
LAT 1101 class number 15839 Beginning Latin 2 (De Simoni)
LAT 1104 class number 15840 Beginning Latin 3 (Silverman)
LAT 1120 class number 15841 Beginning Latin 1 (Pantazopoulou)
LAT 1120 class number 15867 Beginning Latin 1 (Anderson)
LNW 3490 class number 15151 Medieval Latin (Wagman)
LNW 6933 class number 15154 Special Topics: Catullus (Iff-Noël)
LNW 6933 class number 25213 Special Topics: Catullus [ONLINE] (Iff-Noël)
LNW 6935 class number 24957 Proseminar in Classics (Pagán)
IDH 2930 class number 24693 (Un)common Read: Homer, The Iliad (Kostopoulos)
IDH 2930 class number 24826 (Un)common Read: Poems by Catullus (Iff-Noël)
Fall 2019
CLA 3151 class number 11104 Pompeii: An Archaeological Laboratory (Eaverly)
CLA 3160 class number 11105 Ancient Egypt (Wagman)
CLA 3930 class number 11107 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Greece and Turkey (Kostopoulos)
CLA 3930 class number 11108 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Court Trials (Kapparis)
CLA4931 class number [contact dept.] Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
CLT 3370 class number 13013 Myths of the Greeks and Romans (Nichols)
CLT 3930 class number 13040 Special Topics in Classical Literature: Conspiracies (Pagán)
CLT 3930 class number 13041 Special Topics in Classical Literature: Pygmalion, Living Statues and Ancient Robots (Iff-Noël)
CLA 6930 class number 23395 Greece and Near East: Racism (Yates)
GMT4110 class number 25366 The Literature of Byzantium (Giannadaki)
GRE 1120 class number 14500 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Yates)
GRE 1121 class number 14501 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Wolpert)
GRK 1130 class number 14502 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
GRK 2200 class number 23653 Intermediate Modern Greek 1 (Wagman)
GRW 3102 class number 14504 Survey of Greek Literature 2 (—)
GRW 4905 class number [contact dept.] Individual Work (Staff)
GRW 6105 class number 14506 The Greek Tradition (Giannadaki)
GRW 7980 class number [contact dept.] Doctoral Research (Staff)
LAT 1101 class number 15838 Beginning Latin 2 (Silverman
LAT 1101 class number 15839 Beginning Latin 2 (De Simoni)
LAT 1104 class number 15840 Beginning Latin 3 (Pagán)
LAT 1120 class number 15841 Beginning Latin 1 (Smith)
LAT 1120 class number 15842 Beginning Latin 1 (Anderson)
LNW 2560 class number 17723 Readings in Latin Literature (Iff-Noël)
LNW 3660 class number 17725 Vergil and Roman Epic (Nichols)
LNW 4905 class number [contact dept.] Special Study in Latin (Staff)
LNW 6905 class number [contact dept.] Individual Work (Staff)
LNW 6933 class number 17755 Special Topics in Latin: Pliny (Kapparis)
LNW 6971 class number [contact dept.] Masters Research (Staff)
LNW 7979 class number [contact dept.] Advanced Research (Staff)
LNW 7980 class number [contact dept.] Doctoral Research (Staff)
- CLA 2100 class number 11523 The Glory That Was Greece (Nichols)
- CLA 2521 class number 11524 Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
- CLA 3700 class number 11551 Classical Archaeology (Eaverly)
- CLA 3791 class number 11552 The Ancient City: Greek Cities (Kapparis)
- CLA 3930 class number 11554 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Heroes, Gods & Monsters (Rea)
- CLA 3930 class number 11555 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Athens Through History (Kostopoulos)
- CLA 4931 class number [contact dept.] Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
- CLT 3930 class number 11385 Special Topics in Classical Literature: How Does Your Garden Grow (Pagán-Wolpert)
- CLA 6930 class number 11557 Special Topics: Ancient Slavery (Yates) WEB
- CLA 6930 class number 11558 Special Topics: Ancient Slavery (Yates)
- GRE 1120 class number 14467 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Wolpert)
- GRE 1121 class number 14494 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Yates)
- GRK 1131 class number 14495 Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
- GRK 2201 class number 14496 Intermediate Modern Greek 2 (Wagman)
- LAT 1120 class number 16361 Beginning Latin 1 (Papaioannou)
- LAT 1120 class number 16387 Beginning Latin 1 (Anderson)
- LAT 1101 class number 16358 Beginning Latin 2 (Pantazopoulou)
- LAT 1101 class number 16359 Beginning Latin 2 (Silverman)
- LAT 1104 class number 16359 Beginning Latin 3 (Nichols)
- LNW 3490 class number 15588 Medieval Latin (Wagman)
- LNW 6385 class number 15589 Roman Historians (Pagan-Wolpert) WEB
- LNW 6385 class number 15590 Roman Historians (Pagan-Wolpert)
- LNW 6933 class number 15591 Special Topics: Pliny the Elder (Kapparis)
Fall 2018
- CLA 3160 class number 12212 Ancient Egypt (Wagman)
- CLA 3504 class number 12177 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity (Kapparis)
- CLA 4931 class number DEPT Classics Capstone Seminar(Nichols)
- CLA 3930 class number 12179 Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Rome the Eternal City (Rea)
- CLT 3370 class number 12100 Myths of the Greeks and Romans (Nichols)
- CLT 3930 class number 12078 Special Topics in Classical Literature: Scientific Vocabulary (Agnelli)
- GRE 1120 class number 18796 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Yates)
- GRK 1130 class number 18755 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
- GRK 2200 class number DEP Intermediate Modern Greek 1 (Wagman)
- GRW 3102 class number 18660 Survey of Greek Literature 2 (Wolpert)
- GRE 6755 class number 18760 Epigraphy (Wagman)
- GRW 6317 class number 18749 Ancient Greek Comedy (Nichols)
- GRW 6930 class number 22205 Special Topics in Greek Literature: Gender Behavior (Kapparis)
- LAT 1120 class number 17814 Beginning Latin 1 (Papaioannou)
- LAT 1120 class number 17815 Beginning Latin 1 (Anderson)
- LAT 1101 class number 17713 Beginning Latin 2 (De Simoni)
- LAT 1101 class number 17714 Beginning Latin 2 (Pantazopoulou)
- LAT 1104 class number 17816 Beginning Latin 3 (Silverman)
- LNW 3360 class number 17391 Roman Satire (Rea)
- LAT 6425 class number 17805 Latin Prose Composition (Yates) WEB
- LNW 6933 class number 17392 Special Topics in Latin Literature: The Ancient Roman and Greek Novel (Bozia)
Spring 2018
- CLA 2521 section 2416 Classical Antiquity and Sustainability (Wagman)
- CLA 3151 section 24EG Pompeii: An Archaeological Laboratory (Eaverly)
- CLA 3700 section 243D Classical Archaeology (Nichols)
- CLA 3160 section 2415 Ancient Egypt (Wagman)
- CLA 3930 section 041H Ancient History (Wolpert)
- CLA 3930 section 21E2 The Greek Experience: Ancient to Modern (Kostopoulos)
- CLA 3930 section 2291 America and Antiquity (Van Steen)
- CLA 3700 section DEPT Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
- CLA 6125 section 2424 The Augustan Age (Rea)
- CLA 6930 section 0989 Greek and Roman Sculpture Methods (Yates)
- GRE 1121 section 0608 Beginning Ancient Greek 2 (Yates)
- GRK 1131 section 7623 Beginning Modern Greek 2 (Kostopoulos)
- GRK 4300 section 245D Modern Greek Literature Since 1830 (Van Steen)
- GRW 6386 section 244H Greek Historians: Herodotus (Nichols)
- GRW 6930 section 244F Special Topics in Greek Literature (Bozia)
- LAT 1101 section 21FG Beginning Latin 2 (Kane)
- LAT 1101 section 21FH Beginning Latin 2 (Silverman)
- LAT 1104 section 21F0 Beginning Latin 3 (Papaioannou)
- LAT 1104 section 7564 Beginning Latin 3 (Pantazopoulou)
- LAT 1120 section 2A15 Beginning Latin 1 (De Simoni)
- LAT 1120 section 21FF Beginning Latin 1 (Scott)
- LAT 1131 section 1307 Accelerated Latin 1 (Anderson)
- LNW 3660 section 244A Vergil and Roman Epic (Rea)
Fall 2017
- CLA 2100 section 2370 Glory that was Greece (Nichols)
- CLA 3111 section 22D3 Topography and Monuments of Athens (Eaverly)
- CLA 3930 section 04E8 Honor in Ancient Greece (Rothschild)
- CLA 3930 section 07AD Classics and Fantasy (Rea)
- CLA 4905 section 25D0 Beginning Sanskrit 1 (Edelmann)
- CLA 4931 section 23DG Classics Capstone Seminar (Nichols)
- CLA 6905 section 25DC Beginning Sanskrit 1 (Edelmann)
- CLA 6930 section 088G Roman Religion (Yates)
- CLT 3370 section 106H Myths of the Greeks and Romans (Santorelli)
- CLT 3930 section 1B92 Conspiracies Ancient and Modern (Pagán)
- CLT 3930 section 1B93 How Does Your Garden Grow (Pagán)
- GRE 1120 section 3697 Beginning Ancient Greek 1 (Yates)
- GRK 1130 section 0017 Beginning Modern Greek 1 (Kostopoulos)
- GRW 4380 section 232C Greek Historians (Van Steen)
- GRW 6345 section 03DF Greek Lyric Poetry (Wagman)
- GMT 3513 section 2315 Greece in the European Context in the 20th Century (Kostopoulos)
- LAT 1101 section 4330 Beginning Latin 2 (Silverman)
- LAT 1101 section 4697 Beginning Latin 2 (Pantazopoulou)
- LAT 1104 section 6721 Beginning Latin 3 (Scott)
- LAT 1120 section 7424 Beginning Latin 1 (De Simoni)
- LAT 1120 section 0972 Beginning Latin 1 (Kane)
- LAT 1120 section 0973 Beginning Latin 1 (Papaioannou)
- LAT 1130 section 3368 Accelerated Latin 1 (Anderson)
- LAT 6425 section 183F Latin Prose Composition (Rea)
- LNW 3490 section 235H Medieval Latin (Wagman)
- LNW 3644 section 233A Cicero (Nichols)
- LNW 6933 sections 1805/1808 On the Free Will (Santorelli)
- LNW 6935 section 235F Classics Proseminar (Van Steen)
Spring 2017
- CLA 2100 The Glory that was Greece, Nichols
- GMT 4110, The Literature and Culture of Byzantium, Lankina
- CLT 3291, Greek Drama, Bozia
- CLA 3791, Greek Cities: Sparta, Kapparis
- CLA 3151, Pompeii, Eaverly
- LAT 1104 Syllabus, De Simoni
- LAT 1101 Syllabus, Clark
- LAT 1104 Syllabus, Silverman
- LAT 1101 Syllabus, Clark
- LAT 1120 Syllabus, Pantazopoulou
- LAT 1120 Syllabus, De Simoni
- LAT 1120 Syllabus, Murta
- LAT 1130, Syllabus, Anderson
- LNW 6385, Tacitus, Pagan
Fall 2016
- CLA 2100 The Glory that was Greece, Nichols
- CLA 3160 (Section: 21D6) Ancient Egypt, Wagman
- CLT3930 (Sect. 18D4) Rise of Christianity, Santorelli
- CLT3370 (Sect. 106H) Myths of the Greeks and Romans, Santorelli
- CLA 3114 (Sect. 062F) Greece Yesterday and Today, Topalidis
- CLA 3433 (Sect. 18ED) The Athenian Democracy, Wolpert
- CLA 3930 (Sect. 07AD) Ancient Greek Medicine and Medical Ethics, Kapparis
- CLA3930 (Sect. 0694) Heros Gods and Monsters. Rea
- CLT 3930 (Sec. 23HD) Conspiracy. Pagan
- CLA 3700 (Section 18C3): ARH 4930 (Section 0502) Classical Archaeology, Eaverly
- Beginners Ancient Greek 1130 (Sect. 3697), Yates
- GRK 1130 Beginners Modern Greek, Kostopoulos
- GRK 2200 (Section 0139), Interm. Modern Greek I, Van Steen
- GRW 3102 New Testament Greek, Nichols
- GRK 4300 (Section 1H12) Modern Greek Literature, Van Steen
- GRW 6317 (Section 1804) Ancient Greek Comedy, Wagman
- GRW 6931, (Sect. 18E8) Studies in Greek and Latin Literature, Bozia
- LAT 1101 (sect. 4697), Beginners Latin, Andrew Clark
- Latin 1104 Beginners Latin, K. Silverman
- LAT 1104 Beginners Latin, Scott
- LAT 1120 Beginners Latin, Pantazopoulou
- LAT1120 Beginners Murta
- Latin 1120, Beginners Latin, Cazaresl
- LAT 1121 Beginners Latin, De Simoni
- Fall2016 Syllabus Accelerated Latin , Anderson
- LAT 6425 Latin Prose Composition, Yates
- LNW 6105 (Sect. 1829) Roman Tradition.Rea
- LNW 6933 (Sect. 1805 and 1808) Roman Biography, Kapparis
- CLT 3930 (Sec. 23HD) Conspiracy. Pagan
Summer 2016
- CLA2120 (Sect4D74) The Grandeur that was Rome. REA
- CLT3370 (Sect. 4A81) Myths of the Greeks and Romans, Santorelli
- CLA 6795 (Sect. 4H40) Roman Archaeology, Eaverly
Spring 2016
- CLA3151 (21EG) Pompeii syllabus
- CLA 3433 (21EH) Democracy Syllabus
- CLA 3930/ EUS 3930 (04F1) Greek Experience Syllabus
- CLA 6930 ( 0989) Women in Ancient Greece and Rome_syllabus
- CLT3370 (0503) Myths of the Greeks and The Romans, Santorelli
- GRE_1121 (0608)_Syllabus, Yates
- GRK 1131 (7623) Greek II Syllabus, Kostopoulos
- GRK 4300 (1H12) MOD GRK LIT SNC 1830
- GRW 3102 (109D) Survey of Greek Literature 2
- GRW 6346 (21E9) PINDAR
- Latin 1101 (21FG) Syllabus Silverman
- LAT 1101, (21FH), Scott
- LAT 1104 (21F0) Syllabus, Murta
- LAT 1104 (7564) Clark
- LAT 1120 (21FF) De Simoni, Syllabus
- LAT 1120, Section 7412, Cazares
- LAT 1120 (7424) BEGINNING LATIN 1
- LAT 1131 (1307) Accelerated Latin II Anderson
- LNW2560 (21F1) Readings in Latin Literature
- LNW 5325 (21F3) Roman Elegy_Syllabus
Fall 2015
- Accelerated Latin 1 – LAT 1130, Section 2268
- Beginning Ancient Greek I – GRE 1120, Section 3697
- Beginning Latin 1– LAT 1120, Section 0971
- Beginning Latin 1– LAT 1120, Section 0972
- Beginning Latin 1– LAT 1120, Section 0973
- Beginning Latin 1– LAT 1120, Section 3499
- Beginning Latin 2– LAT 1121, Section 4330
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 4697
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 6721
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 6723
- Beginning Modern Greek I – GRK 1130, Section X298
- EPIC (Homer, Vergil) and LOTR – CLA 6930, Section 21E2
- Greece during the Second World War – EUS 3930/CLA 3930, Section X209
- Greece Yesterday & Today – CLA 3114 & CLA 3114WM
- Proseminar – LNW 6935
- Roman Satire – LNW 3360
- Studies in Greek Literature: Greek Novel – GRW 4930, Section 22EO
- Studies in Roman Satire – LNW 6365, Section 231 D-231E
- Satire – CLA 3930, Section 21EH
- The Apology of Plato – GW 3501, Section 22EH
- The Glory that was Greece – CLA 2100
Summer 2015
- Accelerated Latin 1 – LAT 1130, Section 0234
- Accelerated Latin 2 – LAT 1131, Section 4H35
- Ancient Egypt – CLA 3160, Section 4357
- Grandeur that was Rome – CLA 2120, Section 02D0
- Life in Ancient Rome – CLA 3930, Section
- Myths of Greeks and Romans – CLT 3370, Section 4A81
- Roman Declamation – LNW 6335, Section 4H42
Spring 2015
- Accelerated Latin 2 – LAT 1131, Section 1307
- Athens in Topography and Monuments – CLA 3111, Section 1F66
- Attic Orators – GRW 6705, Section 11AC
- Beginning Ancient Greek 2 – GRE 1121, Section 0608
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 7412
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 7413
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 7424
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 7544
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 7548
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 7564
- Beginning Modern Greek 1 – GRK 1130, Section 7608
- Beginning Modern Greek 2 – GRK 1131, Section 723
- Cicero – Catilinarians – LNW 3644, Section 1H40
- Classics Capston – CLA 4931, Section 043B
- English Vocabulary from Greek and Latin – CLT 2044, Section 049E
- Glory That Was Greece – CLA 2100, Section 1F04
- Grandeur that was Rome – CLA 2120, Section 02D0
- Great Battles of the Roman Republic – CLA 6930, Section 0989
- Greek Identity in Europe – CLA 3930, Section 04F1
- Intermediate Modern Greek 2 – GRK 2201, Section 7621
- Modern Greek Literature Since 1830 – GRK 4300, Section 1H12
- Myths of Greeks and Romans: Classical Mythology – CLT 3370, Section 0503
- Prostitutes in Roman Com – LNW 6933, Sections 1A14, 1A23
- Roman Oratory and Rhetoric – LNW 6335, Section 11C6
- Survey of Greek Literature 2 – GRW 3102, Section 109D
- Women and Myth – CLT 3930, Section 106D
Fall 2014
- Accelerated Latin 1 – LAT 1130, Section 3368
- Ancient Greek Comedy – GRW 6317, Section 1099
- Ancient Roman Novel, Petronius – LNW 6225, Section 1H35
- Ancient World in Film – CLT 3510, Section 1H07
- Beginners Modern Greek 2 – GRK 1131, Section 0051
- Beginning Ancient Greek 1 – GRE 1120, Section 3697
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 0972
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 0973
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 3499
- Beginning Latin 2– LAT 1121, Section 4697
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 6732
- Classical Mythology – CLT 3370, Section 106H
- English Vocabulary from Greek and Latin – CLT 2044, Section 0029
- Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World – CLA 3930, Sections 0694, 07AD
- Glory That Was Greece – CLA 2100, Section 2370
- Greece Yesterday and Today – CLA 3114, Section 02D1
- Greece Yesterday and Today – CLA 3114, Section 02D3
- Greek Orators – GRW 4700, Section 1083
- Greeks and the East – CLA 3930, Section 0694
- Heroes, Gods and Monsters – CLA 3930, Section 07AD
- Intermediate Modern Greek I – GRK 2200, Section 0139
- New Testament Greek – GRW 2240, Section 107C
- Pompeii: Archaeological Laboratory – CLA 3151, Section 106A
- Readings in Latin Literature – LNW 2560, Section 11A2
- Roman Medical Authors – LNW 6933, Sections 1212, 122A
- Seneca, Apocolocyntosis – LNW 3360, Section 1H16
Spring 2014
- Accelerated Latin 2 – LAT 1131, Section 1307
- Ancient Egypt – CLA 3160, Section 1G75
- Beginning Ancient Greek 2 – GRE 1121, Section 0608
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 7412
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 7413
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 7424
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 7504
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 7544
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 7548
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 7559
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 7562
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 7564
- Beginning Modern Greek 1 – GRK 1130, Section 7608
- Beginning Modern Greek 2 – GRK 1131, Section 7623
- Cicero – LNW 3644, Section 1H40
- Classics Capstone – CLA 4931, Section 0438
- English Vocabulary – CLT 2044, Section 049E
- Grandeur that was Rome – CLA 2120, Section 02D0
- Greece and Turkey: Parallel Crossings of the Other – CLA 3930, Section 04GD
- Greek Lyric Poetry – GRW 6345, Section 1H16
- Intermediate Modern Greek II – GRK 2201, Section 7621
- Latin Prose Composition – LNW 6425, Section 1H33
- Lucretius – LNW 6933, Section 1H48
- Modern Greek Literature since 1830 – GRK 4300, Section 1H12
- Myths of Greeks and Romans: Classical Mythology – CLT 3370, Section 0503
- Pagans, Christians, Barbarians: The World of Late Antiquity – CLA 3930, Section 11H4
- Plato’s Phaedo– GRW 3501, Section 1H15
- Pliny – LNW 6933, Sections 03A2 & 1H44
- Religions of the Graeco-Roman World – CLT 3371, Section 1G78
- Rome and Christianity – CLA 3930, Section 04F1
- What is the Good Life? – HUM 2305
- Vergil & Roman Epic – LNW 3660, Section 1H42
Fall 2013
- Accelerated Latin 1 – LAT 1130, Section 3368
- Ancient City: Greek Cities – CLA 3791, Sections 0690, 0691
- Athens in Topography and Monuments – CLA 3111, Section 096D
- Beginning Ancient Greek 1 – GRE 1120, Section 3697
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 0971
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 0972
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 0973
- Beginning Latin 1 – LAT 1120, Section 3499
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 4330
- Beginning Latin 2 – LAT 1121, Section 4697
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 6582
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 6721
- Beginning Latin 3 – LAT 1104, Section 6723
- Beginning Modern Greek 1 – GRK 1130, Section 0017
- Beginning Modern Greek 2 – GRK 1131, Section 0051
- Classical Antiquity and Sustainability – CLA 2521, Section 058E
- Classical Archaeology – CLA 3700, Section 069D
- Classical Greece – CLA 3434, Section 07CD
- English Vocabulary – CLT 2044, Section 0029
- Glory That Was Greece – CLA 2100, Section 2370
- Greek Drama – CLT 3291, Section 0220
- Greek Drama – GRW 3301, Section 07B4
- Greek Historians – Thucydides – GRW 6386, Section 07B7
- Greek Prose Composition – GRE 6425, Section 07B1
- Intermediate Greek Prose – GRW 2211, Section 7110
- Intermediate Modern Greek 1 – GRW 2200, Section 0139
- Latin Love Poetry: Catullus – LNW 2630, Section 3395
- Medieval Latin – LNW 3490, Section 07B9
- Proseminar – LNW 6935, Section 1A03
- Roman Elegy and Lyric: Ovid / Love – LNW 3320, Section 021H
- Roman Poets: Horace – LNW 5655, Sections 09G2, 0990
- Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Classics and Fantasy – CLA 3930, Section 0694
- Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Greece After 1945 – CLA 3930, Section 07AD
- Special Topics in Classical Civilization: Impact of Materials – CLA 3930, Section 18CB
- Sport and Recreation in the Ancient World – CLA 3500, Section 069C